Prepared Material


Speech Assistance

Learners should be taught or groomed to talk and read with ease and accuracy. As this is one of the most valuable assets for their lives, both personal and professional. A speech is written to inform/persuade/share and justify a viewpoint or opinion.  This tests the learners’ ability to communicate.

At Kahuna Kidz we offer to help with the following with regards to speeches:

If you want us to write a speech from scratch and about a a topic of your choice, we will assist in the following aspects:

  • Planning – researching and organizing.

  • Tip the parent / child on how to practice and present.

  • Use appropriate register, style and voice according to audience, purpose, context and theme.

  • Use appropriate language (choice of words).

  • Use of resources and reference material such as dictionaries and thesauruses to select effective and precise vocabulary and deliver presentations making use of notes and props, audio and/or visual aids and graphs to enhance the appeal and accuracy of presentations.

  • Refer to relevant sources that have been consulted.

  • Include a range of facts and examples according to task requirements.

  • Writing of an effective introduction and conclusion (e.g. by using literary quotations, references to authoritative sources, anecdotes).

  • Develop ideas and arguments – make sure that content is original, creative, coherent, shows logical development and arrangement of facts, examples and ideas.

  • Present a clear argument and choosing appropriate types of proof (e.g. statistics, testimony, specific instances) that meet standard tests for evidence, including credibility, validity, and relevance.

  • Use of correct forms of address or repetitions: ladies and gentlemen; I want to emphasise that …

If you want us to customise a speech, we can assist in the following aspects:

  • Tip the parent / child on how to practice and present.

  • Make sure the appropriate register, style and voice according to audience, purpose, context and theme has been used and adapt where necessary.

  • Make sure the use of resources and reference material was used effectively and that precise vocabulary and deliver presentations making use of notes and props, audio and/or visual aids and graphs were applied to enhance the appeal and accuracy of the presentation.

  • Make sure that the introduction and conclusion was effectively written (e.g. by using literary quotations, references to authoritative sources, anecdotes).

  • Make sure that ideas and arguments were developed accurately – make sure that content is original, creative, coherent, shows logical development and arrangement of facts, examples and ideas.

  • Make sure that the correct forms of address or repetitions were used: ladies and gentlemen; I want to emphasise that …

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Reading Assistance

Learners should be taught or groomed to talk and read with ease and accuracy as this is one of the most valuable assets for their lives, both personal and professional to share a text written by self or other; to entertain an audience.

At Kahuna Kidz we offer to assist with the following with regards to reading:

  • To give learners tips on what reading passage would be appropriate for their grade and how to choose a good reading extract.

  • How to read fluently and attentively according.

  • How to pronounce difficult words in the text without distorting their meaning and indicate which words could asked to be explained in context to the text.

  • How to enhance meaning through tone, voice projection, pace, eye contact, posture and gestures.

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Klara Klets vocabulary course

Klara Klets will soon be making her debut to Kahuna Kidz!

Assisting young Afrikaans speakers with vocabulary & assisting English speakers with their Afrikaans first additional language vocabulary.

Watch out, coming soon!